When Mango the cat visited his food bowl for a bite to eat, he found a tiny field mouse had already got there first. 当猫咪芒果来到他的饭碗前准备吃点东西时,他发现一只小老鼠已经先行一步。
Thus, the Field Mouse built up his reputation for kindness and broke down the influence of Tou Mali, head of the Home Returning Corps, among the people. 这样,地老鼠在群众中树立了待人厚道的声望,削弱了还乡团头目窦马利的影响。
Both men and women would gather in a courtyard or in a field and sit in an informal circle while the Field Mouse addressed them. 男男女女集合在一个院子里或一块空地上,随便地围成个圆圈,地老鼠站在中间发表讲话。
Objective To test the resistance to warfarin by the striped field mouse ( Apodemus agrarius) captured from Shunyi district of Beijing. 目的检测北京市顺义区黑线姬鼠对第一代抗凝血灭鼠剂杀鼠灵的抗药性。
Don't freak out. It's only a little field mouse. 别紧张,只不过是一只小老鼠而已。
The Home Returning Corps leader was not unaware of this and he began to set traps for the Field Mouse. 这个家伙还意识不到这一点,仍想设计抓地老鼠。
Yet the Field Mouse did much of his work behind the lines with the aid of peasant women. 然而,地老鼠在敌后的许多工作还是多亏了农村妇女的帮助。
Is it true that you successfully impregnated a male field mouse? 您是不是成功给一个雄性田鼠受孕?
The Field Mouse used to come into Toumachuang at night to see the wives of these men. 地老鼠常常在夜里来到窦马庄看望这些人的家属。
The next time the Field Mouse came to the village he brol4ght a piece of soap and a towel which he asked the worker's wife to give him. 地老鼠听说了,有一次,他回村的时候给这位煤矿工人带了一块肥皂和一条毛巾,叫这个工人的妻子转交给他。
Look, Field Mouse. The Krauts are about to launch a rocket the size of Virginia right Into your back yard. 听好,地鼠。德国佬准备发射大火箭到你家后院了。
"Prentice rangers use merchant arrows, expert rangers use custom ones, master rangers use homemade ones." Look, Field Mouse. The Krauts are about to launch a rocket the size of Virginia right Into your back yard. 「学徒游侠用现成箭,专家游侠用订制箭,宗师游侠用自制箭。」听好,地鼠。德国佬准备发射大火箭到你家后院了。
Depositing me for safety in a house occupied by two women, the Field Mouse went off to gather information. 地老鼠出于安全的考虑,把我安置在一家住有两个妇女的屋子里,他自己则去探听情况。
Besides being a propagandist, the Field Mouse was also a literary man of sorts. 地老鼠不单单是个宣传家,他还会写文章哩。
Field Mouse, the message Is: Let slip the dogs. You got that? 地鼠,讯息是:让我们溜狗吧。收到了吗?
The Field Mouse's friends were greatly worried. 地老鼠的朋友们都很担心。
When he had first instituted the land reform in Toumachuang, the Field Mouse had organized a militia band to operate against the Japanese. 地老鼠开始搞土改时,组织了一支民兵抗击日本人。
Finally, the women made alliances with the Field Mouse much as they would with a protector or an avenger. 最后,妇女们结交地老鼠,也有的希望得到他的保护或替她们报仇。
And a lonely field mouse who needed a friend. 还有只孤独的想找朋友的田鼠。
To judge the effect of this trick, which became known as the Meeting at Which Nobody Was Present, the Field Mouse sent one of his militiamen to the village the next day to listen to the gossip. 为了了解这个把戏&人们称它为“没人参加的会议”“的效果,第二天地老鼠派一个民兵到村里听取人们的议论。
Another time, Tou Mali sent his chief gunmen with a couple of henchmen to ambush the Field Mouse. 还有一次,窦马利派他的主要射手和几个打手去伏击地老鼠。
The kind-hearted field mouse found her and took her in. The thumb girl spent the endless winter in the cave. 好心的田鼠大嫂发现了拇指姑娘并收留了她,拇指姑娘就在洞里渡过了漫长的冬天。
The Field Mouse kept simple notes on all his operations. 地老鼠把自己所有的活动都简要地记录下来。
Reproduction characteristics of striped field mouse ( Apodemus agrarius) and Yangtze voles ( Microtus fortis) in the polder of return farmland back into lake in Dongting Lake region 洞庭湖不同退田还湖类型区东方田鼠和黑线姬鼠的繁殖特性
Preferably dead, I should imagine, for the Field Mouse was such a slippery rascal that he undoubtedly would have escaped from any prison. 我可以想象,人家宁可要死的,因为他是个非常机灵的人,毫无疑问,他可以逃出任何监牢。
The tiny, black, frightened field mouse showed up in my back yard. (一只小的、黑的、令人害怕的田鼠,在我的后院出现。)
Then he wanted to arrange a meeting with the Field Mouse. 后来,他想安排与地老鼠见一面。
You're like the little hairy nutsack on the little hairy field mouse. 你就像小田野里耗子身上的毛家伙一样。
That the boys liked this little better than the girls is very clearly evident from the story I have already told of the Field Mouse. 我所讲过的关于地老鼠的故事,非常清楚地说明男孩子并不比女孩子更喜欢早婚。
In this war, White Flower and the second wife of the murdered Tou Hsikung, nursing a bitter hatred, had quite naturally joined forces with the Field Mouse. 白花和被害的窦喜功的第二房老婆对窦马利怀有刻骨的仇恨,在这场斗争中自然站在地老鼠一边。
any of various small mouselike rodents of the family Cricetidae (especially of genus Microtus) having a stout short-tailed body and inconspicuous ears and inhabiting fields or meadows